ABC World Reference Wide World of Animals 1.0 Developed for Creative Wonders by The MultiMedia Corporation For Creative Wonders: Producer Jonathan Denholtz Associate Producer Michael Margolis Assistant Producers Shannon Des Roches Rosa Yohko A. Fukuda For The MultiMedia Corporation: Producer Philippa Watson Executive Producer Kevin Marks Art Director Nikki Barton Lead Windows Engineer Roland Dunn Windows Software Development Chris Pointon Martin Eskes Mikhail Semenov Richard Huddy Kumar Giritharan Ian Paterson Lead Macintosh Engineer Maf Vosburgh Macintosh Software Development Simon Jensen-Fellows Darren Redgrave Assistant Producer Dan Salmon For Planetary Visions: Producers Philip Eales Kevin Tildsley Creative Wonders Team Product Managers Sheraton Kalouria Pam Schaub Bill Romer Ramona Ambrozic Technical Director Lee Powell Windows Programmers Ken Dorshimer Chip Hyde Mahabala Sastry Sameer Tiwari Testing Manager Christine Cernosia Lead Software Testers Linda E. Lee Kedar Roy Erik B. Zwerling Software Testers Lesley Davidson Chris Garcia Kevin Gibson Tim "Lord Gek" Jordan Dave "Mad's a babe" Markowitz Tim Marling John W. Mowat Patrick Schork Kutter Jeanne Simonini Content Testers "Mean" Joe Green Sarah Tilton Documentation and Help Text Caitlin Bini Windows Help System Nancy Stone Director of Marketing Louis Roitblat Marketing Assistant Rob Solomon Administrative Support Maryann Duringer Quality Assurance Manager Tim LeTourneau Quality Assurance Heather Regan Marko Osborne Documentation Layout Grate Art Package Design Davison Design Special Thanks Eric Kornblum Bill Larkin Jim "Dr. DAT" McQuillan MultiMedia Corporation Team Music Composition and Sound Design Steven Faux Graphic Design Paul Jason Paula Lonergan Peter Howell Joe Epstein Video Production Shaun McDermott Michele Rodrigues Stills and Text Production Matt Jones Jon Berry Venetia Rowland Deborah Marshall Charlie Wagstaff Andrew J Adamyk Sound Production Marcus Fielding Taxonomy Text Dr. John Feltwell Zoology Research Dr. Adrian Lister Francis Hurst Jonathan Rudge Dr. Guy Cowlishaw Paola Reason thanks to Joc Hacker With thanks to all at MMC, particularly Ciarán Doyle Graham Bartram Richard Ayres Matt Elgood Chris Prior Jason Plows Di Sproul Fofi Gale James Morrill Geographical Data Provided by Planetary Visions Ltd and University College London Planetary Visions Team Data Processing Andrew Wayne Map Preparation Matthew Wallis Stuart Lenton Anthony Mills Software and Facilities Provided by Department of Photogrammetry and Surveying University College London Software Written by Tim Day Dave Rees James Pearson Still Photographs Bruce Coleman Limited Oxford Scientific Films Limited ABC International Centre for Conservation Education Image Bank Pictor International Still Pictures Natural Science Photo Pictures Colour Library Thanks to: Francis Hurst Jonathan Rudge Video Segments ABC/Kane Productions International, Inc. Video Stories Meg Olmert and Scott Eilers Narrator Tamara Phillips Animal Sounds British Library National Sound Archive BBC Natural History Unit Richard Margoschis Text Keying DMS Data Management Services Sub-editing Rebecca Snelling David Blomfield Claire Espiner Catherine Dee Stephanie Vollmer Craig Rosa Country Statistics World Resources Institute Conservation Information The information on threatened animal species was compiled by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre, working in association with the IUCN Species Survival Commission and BirdLife International. The information is also published in "The 1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals" published by IUCN - The World Conservation Union. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge, UK. lii + 286pp. Map Pin Information Supplied by Greenpeace Traffic World Conservation Monitoring Centre World Wildlife Fund and other environmental organizations Copyright Information Software and documentation © 1996 Creative Wonders. Portions of software © 1996 The MultiMedia Corporation. Portions of earth visualizations © 1995 University College London incorporating the Global Earth courtesy of GlobalVisions, portions of earth visualizations © 1995 Planetary Visions Ltd. ABC World Reference and Wide World of Animals are trademarks of Capital Cities/ABC Multimedia, Inc. ABC and the circle logo are registered trademarks and service marks of American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. Creative Wonders and the Creative Wonders logo are trademarks of Creative Wonders. MS-DOS, Windows and Microsoft are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp. Portions of text from: 'Amphibians and Reptiles' copyright © 1988 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., Milano 'Birds' copyright © 1978 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., Milano 'Mammals' copyright © 1982 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., Milano All rights reserved by their respective parties. Made in the USA.